Green Roofs: Everything You Need to Know So They Won’t Go Over Your Head

This article will dive into both the broad and finer aspects of green roofs and their usage over time. It will also primarily focus on what green roofs are, their history, the different types of green roofs, technical specifications, benefits and drawbacks, and the future of green roofs concerning human development.
· Published on:May 5, 2021
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Though this is not necessarily a novel use of rooftops or unique to the designers of today, the primary drivers of green rooftop development include energy efficiency, urban heat island mitigation, roof longevity prolongation, stormwater control, sound insulation, combating climate change and aiding endemic wildlife.
This article will dive into both the broad and finer aspects of green roofs and their usage over time. It will also primarily focus on what green roofs are, their history, the different types of green roofs, technical specifications, benefits and drawbacks, and the future of green roofs concerning human development. In addition, there will also be an extensive section on various cases studies that have utilized green roofs and how they were implemented. Finally, a common theme found within each section will be that of biophilia, which has been a huge driver in why green architecture has been a mainstay for human developments.




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