Exam Prep FAQ

Exam Prep

All of our materials are available online, over the computer. We do not send a hard copy of any of our material,however you are able to download and print the flash cards and study guides, if you would like. All of our exam prep courses can be viewed online; and audio-only mp3 files can be downloaded

You will have access to the material for 1 – 2 years from the date of purchase depending on which option you selected. 

We suggest you follow the road map that is included in your study package.
On demand webinars are files that can be viewed online any time and viewed multiple times during the duration of your product access. Live webinars are shown in PowerPoint style, with a LEED expert delivering exam prep course material via GoToMeeting. The live webinars include time for Q&A with the instructor. On-demand access is also included with our live webinars so you can review any information you may have missed.
First you will need to log in to your USGBC account, and register and pay for the exam. Keep the eligibility ID provided by USGBC handy. Visit prometric.com to find a testing center near you and schedule your exam.

The LEED Green Associate exam costs $200 for USGBC members, or $250 for non-members. The LEED AP exams each cost $250 for USGBC members, or $350 for non-members. It is possible to take the LEED Green Associate and one LEED AP exam together. This combined exam costs $400 for USGBC members, or $550 for non-members.

*If you are a veteran of the United States military, you are eligible for 100% reimbursement for any LEED exam. The Veterans Administration recommends following the following steps:

  1. Register for the exam and take the test.
  2. Fill out this form, and send the form with a copy of your receipt for the exam (available in your usgbc.org profile under “Orders”), and a signed, dated statement authorizing the release of your exam scores to the VA at the address on the form listed above.
  3. It will take 4-12 weeks to process.

*Prices listed above are accurate at the time of publishing. To confirm pricing please visit www.USGBC.org

For USGBC or ASID members, LEED APs and LEED Green Associates the WELL AP exam costs $465, for other professionals who do not qualify for the “affiliates” pricing listed above the exam costs $660. *Prices listed above are accurate at the time of publishing. To confirm pricing please visit www.wellcertified.com
First you will need to log in to your WELLonline account, and register and pay for the exam. Keep the eligibility ID provided handy. Visit prometric.com to find a testing center near you and schedule your exam.

If you still have any questions that are not answered yet, please contact our support team!

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