The California Academy Of Sciences: The World’s First “Double Platinum” Museum!

This article will cover everything you need to know about the history, development, inspiration, and local community support about the California Academy of the Sciences.
· Published on:May 20, 2021
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The California Academy of Sciences, along with many other institutions across the globe, have been established to assert that learning about and investing in scientific research has benefits that often outweigh any potential setbacks they may bring. Perhaps the most important, yet most overlooked portion of the scientific method while researching is that even ‘negative’ results are useful in the larger spectrum. Its not as much being ‘right’ as a researcher as it is about gathering data and aggregating it in an unbiased, straightforward manner. To spread the true nature of science as a discipline, the California Academy of Science has one mission focused on “regenerating the natural world through science, learning, and collaboration.” All of these goals can contribute to combatting the misinformative and dismissive attitude which natural science has received in recent years.

This article covers everything you need to know about the history, development, inspiration, and local community support about the California Academy of the Sciences. There is a great focus on how the society is formed and evolved from the mid-1800s to the present day. Also how it continues to educate/inspire young children and adults alike about the natural sciences, and the various sustainable systems implemented during the 2003-2008 rebuild. Additionally, there is also be some discussion about how CAL Academy has kept up with the changing social landscape and how they were able to operate during the redesign period.


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