Less than 3% of all the water available on earth is fresh water and most of it is inaccessible. A growing world population is increasingly consuming the earth’s resources. The price for all of this comes in the form of reduced access to fresh, clean, drinking water. Water – this resource may be Earth’s most precious and the demand for it is so high that in many areas’ severe water restrictions are already in effect. According to the office of accountability, 36 US states anticipate water shortage.
What you will learn
- Understand water usage, demand for it, and assess factors driving water efficiency.
- Understand and analyze water efficiency standards and how they apply to LEED BD+C, O+M and ID+C.
- Identify and distinguish between LEED V3 and V2.2 W.E Credits for NC, O+M and ID+C projects.
- Analyze different indoor water efficiency strategies measures and technologies.
- Understand and identify various incentives for water efficient buildings (federal/state and utility incentives).
- Learn how the strategies were applied to actual green building projects through LEED case studies.

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