Dark Skies Contribute To A Brighter Future

Join us as we shed some light on why we are losing our dark skies, how a lack of darkness is impacting the world, and the ways in which every individual can make a difference when it comes to light pollution through this article course.
· Published on:May 7, 2021
  • Flipbook Article
  • .5CE

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What Are Dark Sky Places, and What Are International Dark Sky Parks? Can light pollution be reversed. Join us as we shed some light on why we are losing our dark skies, how a lack of darkness is impacting the world, and the ways in which every individual can make a difference when it comes to light pollution through this article course.

Light pollution

We may not be able to touch it, but this form of unnatural illumination is causing some serious environmental impacts. In most populated areas, true nighttime no longer exists. Instead, the artificial lights of humanity cast an eerie glow into the sky. This disruption in natural light patterns blocks out stars, disrupts wildlife, and has even been linked to adverse impacts on human health.

Luckily, this form of pollution is completely reversible, and taking part in the dark skies movement does not mean you will have to give up on using artificial light at night. There are plenty of simple ways for individuals from across the globe to make a difference when it comes to managing light pollution, and you may even gain a new appreciation for the power of the natural night sky along the way.

Keep reading to discover why the preservation of dark sky areas and the reversing of light pollution is so important!


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    1. If you wonder how lighting has an affect on our climate – it is one of the biggest contributors to energy consumption and accounts one-fifth of the world’s electricity use thus generating nearly 2 billion tons of carbon a year.

    2. I have always been fascinated with the sky and reading about light pollution and how it is impacting the world has been eye-opening!

    3. Okay, light pollution? I had no idea this is a thing. I am glad I took this course because, for a person like me who loves areas that are brightly lit, this was an eye-opener! These small things we don’t tend to notice and this surely needs attention.
      This course has shared a lot of valuable information related to light pollution and organizations that help combat the issue.
      Well done on the flipbook article course! Loved every bit of it.

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