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Now, let’s talk about the connection between COVID-19 and Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) as building professionals. Poor ventilation in indoor spaces is associated with increased transmission of respiratory infections. The authors of the report posited that the air-conditioning (specifically on a re-circulating mode) likely aided the transmission of respiratory droplets carrying SARS-CoV-2. This is reemphasized by a guidance document12 published by the European Centre for Disease Prevention & Control (ECDC) that indicates if the air is recirculated, it is possible for COVID-19 aerosols to spread through HVAC systems within buildings. With this growing body of evidence, it is crucial that we arm our HVAC systems to support ventilation and filtration mechanisms that protect
building occupants. As many states get ready to re-open businesses and schools, it is imperative that building managers, school superintendents, and facility managers are equipped with up-to-date HVAC strategies while operating their newly opened facilities. Let’s look at some HVAC operation strategies that will help mitigate the transmission of respiratory infections such as COVID-19.
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very informative course!