Caffeine: How Your Morning Coffee And Tea May Be Lacking Sustainability

This article isn’t to scare you off from your cup of joe, but to instead educate you that your caffeine intake may be hurting others and the environment just as much as it’s keeping you addicted.
· Published on:February 27, 2021
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It can seem impossible to get through a day without that hot cup of coffee or tea. The addictive properties of caffeine keep us needing our daily fix to keep our energy levels up. We may think to ourselves- “I should cut down on the amount of caffeine I drink”, but then without skipping a beat, think “but it’s not hurting anyone, so I’ll have one more cup.” This article isn’t to scare you off from your cup of joy, but to instead educate you that your caffeine intake may be hurting others and the environment just as much as it’s keeping you addicted.


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    1. Engaging article course Ariele! Apart from learning about how caffeine production affects environmental, economic and social sustainability – I was also fascinated to see some numbers. Be it the number of coffee drinkers or the numbers on wage gap – the article did have some good info. While its great to hear about how stores like starbucks have started to up their game – I would have also liked to see how other caffeine makers and stores are doing such as Tata tea, Dunkin, Seattles’s best, Folgers, Nestle, etc. Perhaps another article as a sequel just like GBRI did on automakers?

      As much as Coffee is contributing to some environmental imbalance – it may become a victim of its on doing too. Saw this news piece –

    2. This course was really worth it! After reading the course, I was actually motivated to search a bit more about coffee and its relationship with climate change, and look what I found!
      Would love it if we can come up with a course that talks about how climate change can affect the production of coffee and other valuable crops!
      Here’s the link:

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