Green Infrastructure was a part of human society long before the term green infrastructure was coined, but it is becoming an increasingly important tool as our population grows and land-use change threatens the natural areas we rely on for essential ecosystem services. In this course, we focus on the use of green infrastructure systems to manage stormwater run-off from urban and agricultural areas. We discuss how natural water cycles are disrupted by land-use change and how green stormwater infrastructure systems can be a cost-effect solution to mitigate water pollution while providing co-benefits to local communities.
Course Objectives
- Define green infrastructure
- Investigate how natural water cycles have changed due to development
- Understand the difference between combined sewer systems, separate sewer systems, and direct drainage areas
- Explore how GSI can be used to improve water quality while providing co-benefits to local communities
Watch A Basic Run Down on Green Stormwater Infrastructure Part 2 here.
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