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The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark is an organization that promotes environmental, social, and governance accountability in the real estate and infrastructure industry. The organization leverages state-of-the-art technology to collect and utilize large amounts of data on a regular basis, coupling it with
research and global industry feedback to produce benchmarking standards. The GRESB offers data, benchmarks, and tracking tools that assist investors, developers, companies, and investment funds with making responsible investing choices by providing business insights and a consistent way to Scorecard risks and investing efforts. As a leader in industry benchmarking, GRESB is continually updating its program to ensure it provides current information and analyzation in a dynamic global marketplace. In this article are ten important elements of the GRESB benchmarking process and other analytical tools offered.
What you will learn
• Learn the background of the GRESB
• Evaluate how the GRESB assessments are aligned with multiple international frameworks such as UNSDGs and GRI
• Understand how the GRESB promotes environmental, social, and governance accountability in the real estate and infrastructure industry
• Describe how the GRESB offers data, benchmarks, and tracking tools that assist investors, developers, companies, and investment funds with making responsible investing choices
Course Content
