15 Things You Should Know to Make Your Home Healthier for You and the Environment

This course will review some of the key components that should be incorporated into the home to guarantee a healthier home and environment. We will also take a look at how these 15 things have affected real-life projects.
· Published on:November 7, 2017
  • Audio Visual
  • 1CE
  • General
  • 1 LU|HSW.


At the end of the day everyone has a place that they go to call home. Some may have a house, some may have an apartment but these places are extensions of our personal values and personalities. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you were doing all that you can to improve the environment in your home for your family, friends, yourself and the environment? This course will review some of the key components that should be incorporated into the home to guarantee a healthier home and environment. We will also take a look at how these 15 things have affected real-life projects.

What you will learn

  1. Understand why greening the home is important
  2. Analyze ways in which you can incorporate course topics into your home and the benefits available by doing so.
  3. Review any misconceptions that may be common and understand common roadblocks when implementing strategies to green a home.
  4. Understand and analyze examples from real-life applications of strategies discussed to green a home

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    Course Includes

    • 1 Lesson
    • 1 Quiz
    • Course Certificate


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