3D Printing and Sustainability – What you need to know?

Learn about 3D printing applications, limitations, and how it relates to sustainability.
· Published on:November 27, 2017
  • Flipbook Article
  • .5CE

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Look at any manmade object and try to envision the planning that brought this concept to reality. Imagine the geometrical shapes and measurements drafted on paper or designed with computer aid. Had you seen these plans before that physical object was created, would your mind have been able to conceive it exactly? It’s difficult for the brain to process how an object will exist in space when we can only see a 3D picture. 3D printing solves that problem. Learn about 3D printing applications, limitations, and how it relates to sustainability.

What you will learn

  1. Understand what 3D Printing is
  2. Learn the applications of 3D Printing
  3. Analyze the sustainability component of 3D Printing
  4. Understand how 3D Printing can change the current manufacturing and construction process
  5. Look at the advantages and limitations of 3D printing and what the future holds for this technology

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    Course Includes

    • 1 Lesson
    • 1 Quiz


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