Architecture and Carbon: The Odd Couple Destined for Partnership

Ever wonder about the odd couple, Architecture and Carbon, and how they interact with each other online and offline? Are they compatible with each other? Will the current carbon emissions trend overhaul their relationship and is their relationship sustainable? Find these answers and more in this in-depth article.
· Published on:February 25, 2022
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For decades, our information CO2 emission data was incorrectly distributed. Then, Architecture 2030, a nonprofit centered around the built world and carbon, released groundbreaking information that the buildings actually account for 40% of global CO2 emissions. This information has forced us to recalibrate our approach to carbon emissions, as well as our approach to architecture. Every building you’ve ever stepped into, as well as the new buildings being constructed every day, are creating huge damage to our planet. We’re now presented with an equally huge opportunity to build a zero-carbon future. So how does it all work – how is it possible for existing buildings to release CO2? How do buildings release CO2 before they’re even in use? Most importantly, what can we do about it? Find these answers and more in this in-depth article.

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